Teamwork makes the Dreamwork

Photo By: Abby Plevin

Being a student athlete has a lot of upsides and positives to it other than just being a competitor. One of these skills that comes alone with being a student athlete is leadership. Leadership plays a huge role on all teams and is a valuable skill for people to learn. Being a student athlete is a unique experience on its own and offers many responsibility roles. In this blog post I will discuss the leadership qualities that student athletes experiences while on a team. Leadership roles ca include many things such as leading by example, creating good team collaboration, communication, and problem solving.

leading by example:

Leading by example is something you will encounter as you become and older member or captian of your team. As new people or younger athletes join your team they need someone to look up to.. which could be you. Being a leader can be hard at times but overall is a great opportunity to have. The work ethic and qualities you have as a student athlete reflects on others and they look up to your actions. By having the opportunity to be a leader you are gaining great leadership role qualities for you future whether that is in athletics or not.


Teamwork is key to having a successful team. Having the skills of being a leader mean you must be apart of the teams highs and lows. All together you are a team and need to collaborate and work together to reach your goals as a team. being great at teamwork and collaboration makes you realize things are not done individually everyone need to put in the effort for the results.


leaderships means you are a great communicator. You communicate to your team, coaches, family, and teachers in a respectful and kind way. If you are unable to communicate it will hurt your leadership skills and not benefit your teammates. Communicating with your coaches about issues or non issues is important so they can understand who you are and what is going on. Communication with your teachers is essential to do well in school as a student athlete. And being able to listen and respond to others respectfully and communicate with them is a skill not everyone has. It is important to listen to others to be successful in sports.

Problem Solving:

Great leaders are great problem solvers. When an issue comes up with your team you are able to navigate the issue and figure out a way to solve the problem. Being able to analyze a situation and come up with a way to fix it is key to being successful on the court and off the court. This will also benefit you when it is time to have a job and you are put in situations where problem solving is going to help you.

Student athletes experience many situations and opportunities to become a great leader. All of these qualities will not only help them as a student athlete but also in the workforce. Leaders can mean many things in this world, what does being a leader mean to you?


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